Andy K
2014-12-13 23:26:23 UTC
This vbs script is supposed to only run once a day, but it runs everytime.
Anyone know how to fix it ?
'* Module Name: My Backup.vbs
'* Abstract: This is a template VB Script file generated by Reflect v5.0
'* Modify to add your own functionality if required
' call the main function
Call VBMain()
'* Sub: VBMain
'* Purpose: This is main function to start execution
'* Input: None
'* Output: None
Sub VBMain()
Dim objShell
Dim ExitCode
' The following function call ensures that this script only runs once a day
If HasRunToday Then
End If
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Do the backup
ExitCode = Backup ("""C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\Reflect.exe"" -e -w <BACKUP_TYPE> ""C:\masm32\SOURCE\Reflect\My Backup.xml""")
' done
Set objShell = nothing
End Sub
'* Function: Backup
'* Purpose: Calls Reflect.exe passing an XML BDF as a parameter
'* Optionaly logs output to file
'* Input: strCmdLine Command Line Arguments
'* Output: Exit Code
Function Backup(Byref strCmdLine)
Dim objShell
Dim objExecObject
Dim iReturnCode
strCmdLine = Replace(strCmdLine, "<BACKUP_TYPE>", GetBackupTypeParameter)
' Run the backup or image
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
iReturnCode = objShell.Run(strCmdLine, 1, true)
if iReturnCode = 2 then
' Handle XML validation error
elseif iReturnCode = 1 then
' Handle backup error
elseif iReturnCode = 0 then
' Everything OK
end if
Backup = iReturnCode
Set objShell = nothing
End Function
'* Function: HasRunToday
'* Purpose: determines if this script has run today
'* Input: None
'* Output: true if has run today false otherwise
Function HasRunToday
Dim RegScriptKey
Dim LastRunDate
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegScriptKey = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Macrium\Reflect\Scripts\" & WScript.ScriptFullName & "\LastRun"
'Check if script has run today
LastRunDate = objShell.RegRead(RegScriptKey)
If LastRunDate = cstr(Date) Then
HasRunToday = true
objShell.RegWrite RegScriptKey, Date,"REG_SZ"
HasRunToday = false
End If
Set objShell = nothing
End Function
'* Function: GetBackupTypeParameter
'* Purpose: determines the backup type from command line parameter
'* -full Full backup
'* -inc Incremental backup
'* -diff Differential backup
'* Input: None
'* Output: the parameter
Function GetBackupTypeParameter
Dim i
for i = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
If Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-full" OR _
Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-inc" OR _
Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-diff" Then
GetBackupTypeParameter = Wscript.Arguments(i)
Exit Function
End If
GetBackupTypeParameter = ""
End Function
Anyone know how to fix it ?
'* Module Name: My Backup.vbs
'* Abstract: This is a template VB Script file generated by Reflect v5.0
'* Modify to add your own functionality if required
' call the main function
Call VBMain()
'* Sub: VBMain
'* Purpose: This is main function to start execution
'* Input: None
'* Output: None
Sub VBMain()
Dim objShell
Dim ExitCode
' The following function call ensures that this script only runs once a day
If HasRunToday Then
End If
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Do the backup
ExitCode = Backup ("""C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\Reflect.exe"" -e -w <BACKUP_TYPE> ""C:\masm32\SOURCE\Reflect\My Backup.xml""")
' done
Set objShell = nothing
End Sub
'* Function: Backup
'* Purpose: Calls Reflect.exe passing an XML BDF as a parameter
'* Optionaly logs output to file
'* Input: strCmdLine Command Line Arguments
'* Output: Exit Code
Function Backup(Byref strCmdLine)
Dim objShell
Dim objExecObject
Dim iReturnCode
strCmdLine = Replace(strCmdLine, "<BACKUP_TYPE>", GetBackupTypeParameter)
' Run the backup or image
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
iReturnCode = objShell.Run(strCmdLine, 1, true)
if iReturnCode = 2 then
' Handle XML validation error
elseif iReturnCode = 1 then
' Handle backup error
elseif iReturnCode = 0 then
' Everything OK
end if
Backup = iReturnCode
Set objShell = nothing
End Function
'* Function: HasRunToday
'* Purpose: determines if this script has run today
'* Input: None
'* Output: true if has run today false otherwise
Function HasRunToday
Dim RegScriptKey
Dim LastRunDate
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegScriptKey = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Macrium\Reflect\Scripts\" & WScript.ScriptFullName & "\LastRun"
'Check if script has run today
LastRunDate = objShell.RegRead(RegScriptKey)
If LastRunDate = cstr(Date) Then
HasRunToday = true
objShell.RegWrite RegScriptKey, Date,"REG_SZ"
HasRunToday = false
End If
Set objShell = nothing
End Function
'* Function: GetBackupTypeParameter
'* Purpose: determines the backup type from command line parameter
'* -full Full backup
'* -inc Incremental backup
'* -diff Differential backup
'* Input: None
'* Output: the parameter
Function GetBackupTypeParameter
Dim i
for i = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
If Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-full" OR _
Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-inc" OR _
Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-diff" Then
GetBackupTypeParameter = Wscript.Arguments(i)
Exit Function
End If
GetBackupTypeParameter = ""
End Function